Telescope3D: Holo Cubes

Multi-Dimension Holo 'Cubes' and Holographic Selection with Chaos

size, scaling, and selection of holo-bricks

selection of comparison areas can be non-continuous
"random" selection of voxels/pixels within a set 3D area & 4D time quanta range

    - <x,y,z>, <x1,y1,z1>,... 3D area(s) selection
    - ta-tb, ta1-tb1... 4D time quanta(s) selection

              larger feedback loops:
    - 3D Cell Area
    - 4D Cell Quanta Range

selection instance from 4D+mesh
3D cell area types
    - static
        3D delimiters:
            set number of selections (finite number, but huge for larger areas)
            "fill the box"
variable "saturation"
for selected areas

    - stack
        3D delimiters:
            set number of selections (finite number, but huge for larger areas)

    - overlay
      overlay ranged and seperation ranges
        3D delimiters:
            set number of selections (finite number, but huge for larger areas)
            "fill the box"
variable "saturation"
for selected areas

4D time quanta ranges
    - stack
            saturation levels in ranges
    - static
            saturation levels in selected areas for selected ranges
    - overlay
            saturation levels in selected areas for selected ranges
         levels change over time

chaos based size, scaling, and selection methods
Holo Bricks can follow the above schemas or represent totally randomly selected areas with random selected points.
Chaos equations can represent the 'randomly' selected areas:
Cantor Dust
Barycentric coordinates
Plane Filling Curves: All Peano Curves

saturation, and 3D/4D+ ranges would follow the same rules as overlays

high fitness cells:
3D stack: saturation 3D & 4D

Telescope3D: Cellular