Telescope3D: Interferometry: (Cellular): 4D Lense:

Galleries : Gallery7 : shells, layers & 4D Lense Effect

spheres within spheres

cross section of spheres within spheres, layering of sphere "shells"

light passing through and captured by spheres

the "4D-Lense" effect: light passing through and captured by spheres as they move through through 3D space

effects of the relationships between sphere levels, rotation speed, and light captured

anim: motion of dish during sphere movement

Initial Imaging

imaging from single dish sensor

imaging from single dish array (vm-cell, link to vm-cell-povgen)

imaging from muliple dishes, single shell

imaging from muliple dishes, multiple shells (4D-Lense)

output of "gtk+-pov" graphs

4D Lense Data

4D+ Lense Data (ie. quiver)

 sources: GalleryRadiolarian,

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Gallery 8
Gallery 9

Telescope3D : Interferometry : Cellular: 4D Lense: Galleries
Telescope3D : Interferometry : Cellular: 4D Lense
Telescope3D : Interferometry : Cellular
Telescope3D : Interferometry